Book Cover and Illustrations created for a Children's Book Project based on a Welsh Legend.

”There is a legend of five virtuous Saints who lived in Pumsaint, Wales: Ceitho, Celynhen, Gwen, Gwnog and Gwynard. Each of them had a skill that made them completely unique, and each of them used their skill to make their town a beautiful place to live. Unfortunately, there was a Sorcerer who lived across the river who was extremely jealous of each of the saints’ skills. Convinced that their power was contained in their hats, the Sorcerer decided to petrify each of the saints and still their hats in order to gain their personal abilities. Finding himself completely alone with no one to share everything he has stolen, the Sorcerer was determined to create a monument with each of the petrified Saints in the middle of the town, placing their corresponding hats on them, and understanding that talent is something unique that cannot be stolen, but earned.”